Wednesday, October 19, 2011

28 degrees Celsius today hooray

Summer is just around the corner with Melbourne having its warmest day today since last Autumn.  For me this means having salads for dinner and leaving doors open to air out the house and being able to wear a t-shirt all day without being cold.  For my furry companion Floss it means splaying out on the cool bathroom tiles and having lots of gulps of water; I had Floss clipped a couple of weeks back but she stills feels the heat.

Have to leave in an hour to be part of a paid discussion group for mental health; which approaches helped me recover, which didn't etc.  Then it's on to my monthly catchup with the shrink; hopefully we can discuss going on to any alternative antipsychotics than Zyprexa, my zombifying balloon-fat-making drug.  He tried me on Abilify but that made me REally zombie-like, with serious blunted affect and inability to animate which impacted  on all my social constructs and hence diminished my confidence dramatically.  I tried Zeldox but that made me restless and also had my right leg 'pinging' up on its own from the knee joint which would have been a danger when driving.  So here's hoping he thinks I'm stable and that there's something decent and new happening.

Am still delivering catalogues; have to finish my run today as I felt mega tired yesterday and only got half done; I overdid things on Monday while helping a friend get organised for moving house and wore myself out.  Am still realising my limits when it comes to energy levels; it's also greatly affected if I have more than 2 drinks a day, so I try not to.  I didn't have any drinks last night so here's hoping i can get through today the best I can muster.

Gotta fly....seeyou!! :)