I went shopping at Aldi (German discount Supermarket in Australia) on Monday. I bought some overseas version of Fruit Loops, which I allow myself to eat in December as its a festive gesture my stepmother used to allow us as kids. Ok ok...so it's not quite December, but I wanted to commence the FruitLoopDom anyway. So I open the said pack of Loopies the next day and instead of sugar hit I get.....CARDBOARD. Tastes like cardboard. Orrible. Am tempted to give them to the dog but don't want to ruin her diet, as I know there MUST be sugar hidden in there somewhere. They did a good job hiding it.
Have been watching the odd DVD here and there which I purchase from a second hand store for $3-4. I know many ppl download movies illegally for free; I just like to have a library of colourful spines containing discs; they make my loungeroom look pretty. I guess it's my library of sorts, in a way books would be for the bookwormers out there. I tried to engage in reading a photocopy from a chapter of a book "How to manage your mania and depression" given to me by my psychologist, but was stunned by boredom. Maybe I should dust off my old copy of The Da Vinci Code and let myself get engaged. Except I know how it ends. Still, there's something to be said for pulp fiction.
My Dad gave me a Hardcopy set of the Lord of The Rings trilogy for my birthday last year. One day I will challenge myself to read it. I found the movies hard enough to follow. There were bits in it where my mind was doing a Homer Simpson blah-blah-blah vacant thought bubble, in spite of it's superb scenery, costuming, music, acting etc. Maybe I just found the movies too long. I tend to look on the back of a DVD cover where all the teeny tiny writing is and scour for the movie length time, inwardly sighing if I see its 100mins or less. This 2 hours plus movie length is a relatively recent phenomenon; over the past 10-15 years. It feels like that anyway.
On the small screen i have a new TV love: The Big Bang Theory. It has grown on me the past few months (lord knows I've had ample opportunity to view it with all Channel 9's repeats). I particularly like Sheldon and Amy Farrar-Fowler. I'm guessing I'm not alone there, especially Sheldon. Jim Parsons is so unique, what a clever, clever man. Course he is aided by snappy writing and supporting cast, but I do so enjoy his quirks. It's one of the few things I laugh out loud on the small screen, a rarity for me with American shows. I suspect the humour element is somewhat universal in this show, judging by how successful it is overseas (check out Wikipedia, there's heaps of countries which it rates well in). Anyhoo.
Back to Fruit Loops. And Aldi. I got home Monday, convinced I'd saved myself at least $25 by buying non-brand name products (ie: overseas ones and Aldi's home brands). As the week has gone on I deduced I am prepared to spend that extra $25 and get the tastes that I know and like. Such as Kellogg's Fruit Loops, a ridiculous $6.95 a box, but a guilty December pleasure nonetheless. Yes I know it's still November. It's just starting to feel festive (see last post).
Around this time of year many people have end of year office Xmas parties. Some people get blitzed and say and do things they regret. Others are the model of moderation and have two drinks then make a quick getaway. This year I have no office party (I quit my horrible office job in April). So I've let myself imbibe on days like today when I've done the housework, mowed the lawn, and there's little to do other than watch a DVD. So why not have a few Scotch and Cokes while I do it? So there's my Xmas party on my ownsome. And to sometimes ruffle the fur on my little dog's neck and chest while she slumbers.