Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why would I love being schizoaffective 2010?

Why indeed. Life has certainly taken a different trajectory to the one it was heading in, when I was a teenager, when I had my first symptoms of being unwell. I don't know the exact age my magic genie popped out it's weird and wonderful psych symptoms (was flat aged 10 soon after my parents divorce; was flat again aged 14; was majorly flat aged 18; had a minor psychosis aged 20; mood swings thereafter culminating in 1st major psychotic episode aged 25). 

 One thing I know is that when I eventually thought I had my career path sorted (aged 22; market research) and despite my undiagnosed symptoms occuring I got my business degree (25 again). I was all lined up to start my graduate traineeship with a big market research company in the city when I had my 1st psychotic episode. It lasted months. I tried to start at the company (having lied and said I had glandular faver); I lasted a few months then got the sack. Had it not been the case that I had become sick I might have had a successful career in market research. Or not. Life can have funny turns for people who don't become unwell, psychiatric or any other illness. 

 There was never a guarantee that I would be a corporate success. But there would have been a reasonable chance. So where did I go from there, the breakdown and sacking, aged 25? Too long and personal a story to do justice to in a blog. To summarise; - 1996-1999 Worked in part time blue collar jobs and felt sad, angry and lost; - Felt bored and lonely frequently along with a disposition towards depression; - 1999-2000 Got lost in drinking daily to escape my less-than-happy existence.

2000-2002 Did the rehab merry-go-round circuit combined with emergency/relief accomodation due to being unemployed and unemployable; - Had 2nd major psychosis 2002-3 (much worse than before); involuntary patient then homeless; in boarding houses; - 2003-2007 Got back on my feet via effective case management; secured a community housing bedsit; started part time work again; stayed off alcohol.

Moved to stable accomodation; retained part time employment; started being able to pay bils properly and to save; - 2009 Had 3rd psychosis; private hospital, new psychiatrist; was able to retain work; had some medication trial and error; maintained sobriety; - 2010 Work going well; fell off the water wagon but didn't go off the rails; stabilising on medication; solidifying friendships. 

I give this summary to emphasise how different a turn my life took had I not become unwell. I've seen and done things a lot of people only wonder about: a lot of them not good things. I've learned to live on a budget and to appreciate money. As I enter my 40's I'm learning that physical health is just as valuable as mental health and that it can't be taken for granted. Ok I'm sounding sanctimonious and all that. It's just can I make the title of my blog ring true??? Maybe the trick is to know that often, it's said tongue in cheek. ;)

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